Download e-book for iPad: Chongqing’s Red Culture Campaign: Simulation and its Social by Xiao Mei

By Xiao Mei

Between 2009 and 2012, town of Chongqing got here into the nationwide, or even foreign highlight, because it grew to become the geographical centre of the ‘Singing crimson, Smashing Black’ crusade, and later the political typhoon that swept China. Chongqing’s pink tradition crusade drew an immense volume of curiosity on the time, yet hypothesis and prejudice has due to the fact that blurred the general public realizing of the sensational tale that ties the crusade with the increase and fall of a political superstar, Bo Xilai.

This publication, hence, seeks to check the character of Chongqing’s crimson tradition crusade, and the interplay among the political programme and the practices of its contributors. in accordance with fieldwork carried out in Chongqing, it seeks to question no matter if the crimson tradition crusade was once really a go back to Maoist innovative mass campaigning while analyzing the connection among the CCP's political strength and the lives of the normal humans as mirrored when it comes to the crusade. finally, it highlights that the crusade used to be no longer in reality a true Maoist mass circulate. even though it the pre-existing version of earlier mass campaigns in China, containing a sequence of widespread and hugely performative operations, Xiao Mei argues that it basically validated serious good points of ‘simulation’.

By contributing to our realizing of the discrepancies among a designed political programme, and what it truly turns into while applied at the flooring, this e-book may be of use to scholars and students of chinese language stories, Politics and Sociology.

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Chongqing’s Red Culture Campaign: Simulation and its Social Implications (Routledge Research on the Politics and Sociology of China) by Xiao Mei

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